As part of Christ's Church in Taunton, in Somerset and the Nations we place huge value on embracing our community. Here are some of the local and international initiatives happening across the churches in Taunton.
Riverside Church Initiatives

Messy Church is another way of being church for families involving fun, creativity, hospitality and celebration.
It is held once a month (usually on the 4th Saturday of the month) at 11am at the Exchange.
We are currently meeting in person in a Covid safe way.
Messy Church Logo Copyright Bible Reading Fellowship © 2016. See
Messy Church is also available online via our Facebook Page. Previous sessions can be accessed and enjoyed there at any time.
Friends & Ministries
Kingdom Dance |
Restoring The Foundations ministry UK & Europe (RTF UK&EU) is part of the Healing House Network UK that is based in England with a UK, Ireland, European and Scandinavian network of trained, qualified and accredited ministry teams active since 1999.
RTF UK&EU actively provides covering for our well established network of accredited ministry teams as they minister / teach individuals and within organisations.
The Director of Kingdom Dance Resources Limited is Marie Bensley, who is the Co-ordinator for the Bristol & West region of the Christian Dance Fellowship of Britain, and Joint Co-ordinator of the Flags & Banners Network of the International Christian Dance Fellowship. She has wide experience in the realm of Christian dance, and especially in the use of flags and ribbons in worship. Together with her husband Andrew, she leads workshops and seminars on these subjects and has also taught at various locations and conferences abroad.
Marie and Andrew are members of Riverside Church. |
International Mission
Our major overseas outreach is to the Fire Baptised Church (FBC) of Zambia. Our involvement began in 1991 and with teams visiting usually annually to engage in leadership training, crusade evangelism, and conferences for men and for women. We also support them financially on a month by month basis helping to pay salaries and fund capital projects.
Linden Church in Swansea and Resound (formerly BCF) in Bristol have also been involved from the start. FBC also run the Mutende Children’s Village for orphaned children and the Harold Mwenge Memorial School which is run as a centre of excellence in education in Zambia and helps support the Mutende project financially. One of our members, Karen Roberts, spent three months in early 2015 helping to develop teaching in the school.
FBC has grown from 25 to over 100 in Zambia with several more in southern Democratic Republic of Congo during our involvement with them. Occasionally we host leaders from Zambia in the UK as well as teams going there.
How can you get involved?
Pray – as you do you will find God’s heart for FBC
Give – there are opportunities to sponsor children at Mutende, contribute towards events we run out there, and projects we support
Experience - Join a team going out
Over the next few years we expect to run the Partners in Harvest International Leaders School of Ministry (ILSOM) in different centres around the country. These schools gather leaders from the churches in that town or region and immerses them in the Father’s love, developing intimacy with God, restoring the heart, and equipping to extend the kingdom of God. We will need to gather a team for each of these schools and there will be opportunities for team members to grow in many areas of ministry during one of these weeks. You will of course need to be familiar with the course material yourself.
Support Teams – from time to time teams go out from the churches involved to do maintenance or development work for the school and Mutende projects. There may be opportunities to join these teams. NB Team members are responsible for raising their own finance to cover the costs involved. Typically it costs around £1000 to cover an individuals costs for a two week stay. You will also need to consult your doctor regarding medical precautions in good time before the trip.